Vicki Kelly



I wrote my first story in 8th grade:
It was a sad teen love story that also had a lesson in becoming strong.

Latest Release

A City In The Sand

A Novel By Vicki Kelly

Lynn Williams is a 65-year-old woman who has been widowed for five years, has two adult children living in Ohio and New York, and lives on the beach in a condo in Fripp Island, South Carolina. One day while walking back to her condo from the local market, she’s almost hit by a car. A very attractive young man named Akin who is 6’7 and about 35 years old saves her life. Then strange things start happening to her. Nobody else can see this man but her.

Personal life

Originally from Dayton, Ohio, I have been married for 24 years and have two adult children. My husband and I live in Fredericksburg Virginia.

More About The Author


I spent 14 years between active duty and the naval reserves. I currently work in Information Technology. I wrote my first story in 8th grade: It was a sad teen love story that also had a lesson in becoming strong. My teacher was so impressed she told me if I kept writing I would one day become an author.

What They Say

Grab your cozy blanket, coffee, tea, or if you’re like me, a glass of your favorite wine! This book is going to take for a magnificent ride through present & past time! This is for those romantics, that believes that love conquer all! I hope you buy it and enjoy it as I have. I plan on buying the next 2 books. Mrs. Vicki Kelly has a way with telling this story. You won’t want to put it down.
Patriece O
This is an awesome read! The characters are developed in such a way that you think you know them. The author does a fabulous job of putting you in a place where you feel like you're one of the characters. Each chapter leaves you looking forward to the next. You will not be disappointed in this first in a series of three. I can't wait to get my next book. Purchase one for yourself and gift one to someone else.
This is the authors first book and thankfully not her last. This books was such a page turner. The characters where very well described and I felt like I know them. I am anxiously awaiting the second book to this series. You will not be disappointed.

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